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"Urban Strategies was retained by Infrastructure Ontario to undertake a Due Diligence analysis for Ontario Place — 62.5 ha of a pioneering waterfront landmark in Toronto. In 2012, the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport announced the formation of an Advisory Panel that would examine developing a framework for revitalizing Ontario Place. The Ontario Place Revitalization Report recommended an in-depth due diligence exercise to understand the range of issues and opportunities present on this unique legacy waterfront" - Urban Strategies Inc.
During my co-op term at Urban Strategies Inc., I had the chance to contribute to the Ontario Place Revitalization Project. Tasks assigned included graphic preparation for a due diligence exercise. The graphics were to help express the planning approaches and ideas created by the urban designers and planners in an easy and exciting manner to the client. The graphics were to be expressive enough to represent abstract and conceptual ideas, yet simple and clear enough to communicate those to the client.
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